R60 LID with induction liner
“Allows bidirectional gas exchange, preventing swelling and collapse of the container at the same time.
- Features a security band
- Material: Polypropylene
- Colors: White, black, and green”
Compatible Induction Liners
We have different types of liners that adapt to the needs of your product
R60 cover with silver induction liner HDPE RR
R60 cover with silver induction liner HDPE RR: Aluminum liner with cardboard backing.
Exclusive for containers: HDPE.
System: Heat induction.

R60 lid with HDPE valved induction liner:
It allows the release of gases without letting the liquid penetrate the ventilation membrane, preventing the container from deforming, leaking or contracting.
Exclusive for containers: HDPE.
System: Heat induction.

R60 lid With safety tie + HDPE valved induction liner:
It allows the release of gases without allowing the liquid to penetrate the membrane (membrane of
venting) of ventilation managing to prevent the container from deforming, suffering leaks or shrinking.
* It has a safety belt.
Exclusive for containers: Agromisil HDPE CPE R60.
System: Heat induction.

R60 lid With safety strap + double laminated foam liner:
Lid that includes a liner, to prevent the passage of external agents to your product, thanks to its hermetic closure.
* It has a safety belt.
Exclusive for packaging: Agromissil HDPE CPE R60.
System: Barrier only.